Exercise is for all Ages and Abilities
Looking after Yourself Matters
The body needs to remain mobile, strong and have sufficient energy to cope well on a day to day basis. Optimal functional ability is necessary for most daily tasks. Generally, fitness and health decline with inactivity, which may then fall below the level required to perform everyday tasks easily.
We all need to be able to move well and as the number of physical and mental problems increase, undertaking daily activities can become more difficult. The body needs to remain mobile, strong and have sufficient energy to be able to cope well on a day to day basis. It is still possible to become, and remain, fit and active throughout life with exercise being an important element in all wellness regimes (once is not enough – it needs to be ongoing!).
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How well are you managing now?
Community exercise and information sessions are available which cover the issues as well as the reasons for limitations in movement, resulting in the inability to cope well. Practical demonstrations on ways to manage your moves safely and effectively are also included. Programs and sessions are available (such as those shown below) which can provide further insight and practical skills.
- Falls prevention
a) General overview
b) Exercise issues and programs e.g. Fallproof
c) Pedestrian safety etc.
- Exercise for the older adult e.g. “Functional fitness” a) The benefitsb) Know howc) Strength training etc.
- Back care e.g. “Strong, Safe and Stable”
- Chronic condition management issues e.g.
a) Osteoporosis
b) Arthritis
“Anything is possible …it is a matter of having the knowledge, time, attitude, aptitude and persistence. You can manage your health and Stay Active and Strong later in life ” Sally Castell
Cheat Sheets, Exercises, Classes, DVDs, eBooks, Routines, Hand Outs, Instructions, Sheets, CDs, Wall Charts, Guides, Training the Trainer, Posters, Workshops, PowerPoint, Insights, Professional Training, Equipment, Learning, Video, Charts, Training, Music
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