Don’t Slump …Prevent the Hump!

Spinal alignment (postural correction) Consider lining up one cylinder on top of the other for spinal stability and overall good body control

Cylinder 1 = The core (the pelvic area)

 Cylinder 2(the mid thoracic /chest to the shoulder area).

Core stability plays a role in movements and activities of daily living to provide a strong base for the muscles in the back to work to keep the body upright and well balanced

To prevent the forward slump, align cylinder 2 directly over the pelvic area cylinder 1

Maintain Pelvic Stability and Good Postural Alignment

Having a firm foundation and a stable base that supports the scaffolding around the body parts i.e the joints, muscles and soft tissues surrounding the joints, help the body parts be lined up correctly and thus reduce stresses and strains overall. This is very important. One of the more obvious signs that demonstrates that the body is not so well supported with ageing is the change in posture, especially with stooping in the shoulder area and bending forward at the waist. A body with joints that are misaligned due to muscle imbalances are more prone to stresses, strains and injuries.

Gravity seems to be trying to drag the body downwards!. We need to counteract this as much as possible with appropriate exercise, as this has more implications on the body than just a change in posture.

Your body needs to be strong yet supple and flexible to maintain good body alignment. A strong core will provide a good base for proper alignment. Doing a series of specific exercises (that target this area – exercises to be provided in next newsletter) on a regular basis can strengthen and build up the core. This can go a long way toward helping maintain or regain body alignment and is a great start when it comes to improving your body control.